Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Energy security would mean a brighter future for India

Author: Nanda Kumar Janardhanan, IGES
Satisfying the energy needs of one-sixth of the global population is a Herculean task for India. With a fifth of the population still living below the poverty line, as estimated by the Planning Commission of India, there is an increasing need for an efficient, mission-oriented energy strategy that meets the energy needs of its population and helps eradicate poverty.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Japan's nuclear conundrum

Concerns regarding nuclear power in Japan following the accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant are fueling debates on a possible reformulation of the country's energy policy.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Energy and Information Politics: The Saga of Petroleum Reserves

The recent oil reserve announcement made by the outgoing oil Minister of Iraq Hussein al-Shahristani catapulted the country’s position to the third largest reserve holder in the world only after Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Major concerns have been raised

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Ensuring India’s Nuclear Energy Industry Growth

Domestic factors pose more serious challenges than external factors to India’s nuclear energy industry development. While there have been no security lapses reported about the safety of nuclear power facilities that are protected against

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Energy Nationalism: Emerging Threat or Promising Opportunity?

Incidents of petroleum fuel being used as political tool by producing countries are not new phenomena in global affairs. Arab oil embargo of 1973 was the most significant event in this regard, where Arab producers perceptibly used energy as a political tool, by cutting down vital fuel supply, against the nations that have supported Israel in the Yom Kippur war

The Need to Enhance Diplomatic Impetus in India's Global Energy Strategy

Overseas energy being a key factor in India's economic development, it is necessary to think whether we need to treat the country's global quest for energy resources as a purely commercial interaction with the energy market or as a larger strategy involving

Sino-Indian Cooperation in the Search for Overseas Petroleum Resources: Prospects and Implications for India

In the past few years Indian companies witnessed competition from their Chinese counterparts in acquiring overseas petroleum resources. In an attempt to avoid competition with each other the two governments have taken various measures, which finally led to the two countries signing a Memorandum of Understanding for energy cooperation especially for joint overseas bidding for exploration and production. Although the Indian side perceives the cooperation effort as a major breakthrough in avoiding Chinese competition in the overseas energy arena, it appears to be of limited prospects to India in terms of acquiring overseas petroleum assets or exploration and production contracts. The purpose of this paper is to examine the prospects and implication for India in the overseas energy cooperation with China.
Read Full Article here
Nandakumar J, Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

Friday, October 20, 2006

The Japan-China Joint Communiqué

Nandakumar J
October 19, 2006
China and Japan issued a joint communiqué in Beijing on October 8 during the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's first foreign visit, vowing to promote strategic relations between the two countries in the coming years. Both Chinese President Hu Jintao and Japanese Prime Minister Abe hailed the visit as a positive turning point in Sino-Japanese relations. Abe's visit to China is politically important since it is the first meeting between the leaders of the two countries in the past five

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Energy Transition: Strategic Necessity for India

Nandakumar J
June 26, 2006
After his landmark speech on energy independence on the eve of India's 59th Independence Day, President Abdul Kalam emphasised

Overfed Europe, Underpaid Russia: Beginning of a New Energy Cold War?

Nandakumar J
03 May 2006

Russia is on the move to become an energy superpower by spreading its influence deep into Western and Eastern energy markets. Possessing the largest reserve

China and Our Energy

Nandakumar J
06 April 2006
Among the three pacts on energy cooperation signed between Russia and China during President Vladimir Putin’s Beijing visit last month, Moscow’s willingness to export up to 80 billion cu. m. of natural gas to energy-hungry China has caught the global energy community’s

India-China Energy Cooperation: Attaining New Heights

Nandakumar J
28 November 2005

Last week witnessed a major development on the India-China energy front with the joint bidding plan for Petro-Canada's Syrian assets by India’s Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) and the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC).

Energy Politics and the future of China

Nandakumar J
25 April 2004

Energy security of nations has become one of the major issues gaining global attention today. Since the Middle East, which has been the synonym for oil and gas, has become a breeding ground of European and US energy politics

Spinning Into the Chinese Orbit

Nandakumar J
May, 2004
"After being kept out for centuries, China is now on every Western country’s trading list"

The enormous economic growth of the “Middle Kingdom” has attracted the world’s attention for many decades.

India, China and energy security

Nandakumar J
7 February 2004
India and China have been witnessing a steady increase in their energy consumption for many years. Increasing economic growth characterized by high industrial activity has been the main reason behind it. Though consumption of coal accounts for a major share of the total energy use, imported petroleum takes an irreplaceable position in the energy mix of both India and China.